Toyota Rush 2022 جديد
البحرين || منذ 2 يوم
رقم الهاتف :
الماركة : تويوتا
الموديل : رش
الدولة : البحرين
سنة الصنع : 2022
حالة السيارة : مستعملة
TOYOTA RUSHnMODEL 2022n1.5 L 4-CYLINDER nDRIVEN=53400 KMnEXTERIOR COLOUR =WHITE nPASSING =AUGUST nINSURANCE =FI [redacted phone number]nWARRANTY =YES nSERVICE =AGENCY nZERO ACCIDENT HISTORY nPRICE =6200u002 F- NegotiablenPhone= [redacted phone number]u002 F[redacted phone number]nnHere's a detailed point-by-point specification for the 2022 Toyota Rush 1.5 L 4-cylinder Bahrain spec:nnExteriorn1. Body style: 5-door compact SUVn2. Lengthu002 FWidthu002 FHeight: 4435 mmu002 F1695 mmu002 F1705 mmn3. Wheelbase: 2685 mmn4. Wheels: 17-inch alloy wheelsn5. Tires: 215u002 F60 R17n6. LED headlights with LED daytime running lightsn7. Fog lightn8. Power-adjustable exterior mirrorsnnInteriorn1. Seating capacity: 5 passengersn2. Upholstery: Fabric n3. Infotainment: Bluetooth, USB, AUX, and iPod connectivityn4.60u002 F40 split-folding rear seatnnEnginen1. Type: 1.5 L inline-4 cylinder petrol enginen2. Displacement: 1496 ccn3. Power: 102 HP @ 6000 rpmn4. Torque: 136 Nm @ 4200 rpmnnSafety Featuresn1. Airbags: 2 front n2. Electronic Stability Control n3. Anti-lock Braking System n4. Electronic Brakeforce Distribution nnTechnology and Conveniencen1. USB and AUX inputsn2. Steering wheel-mounted audio controlsnnFuel Efficiencyn1. Fuel tank capacity: 45 litersn2. Fuel economy (cityu002 Fhighwayu002 Fcombined): 7.1u002 F5.3u002 F6.2 Lu002 F100 kmnnOther Featuresn1. Fuel type: Petroln2. Suspension: Independent front, torsion beam rearn3. Steering: Power-assisted steeringn4. Curb weight: 1145 kgnnVisit our website for more details. nhttps:u002 Fu002 Falbandarcars. comu002 Fn#CarShowroombahrain #carsinbahrain #usedcarsinBahrain #albandarcar #Toyota #ToyotaRush #Rush
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